Our Styling Services

Monthly Subscription Services

Starting at $79 per month

Work with Brett on a continuous basis to get ongoing style advice and recommendations.

Perfect for those looking to to change their wardrobe gradually or add a few seasonal pieces.

Event Styling Services

From $150 per event

Are you the parent of a bride or groom? Wedding guest? Graduating? Let Brett help you make the right kind of splash with the perfect outfit.

Includes shopping and outfit feedback to create a polished look.

Wardrobe Revamp Services

Change your look, starting at just $250 (in person) or $150 (virtual)

Bodies change, lifestyles change, so our wardrobes change too!

The Revamp includes a closet cleanout and one two-hour shopping trip. Further shopping trips billed hourly.


Style is self-expression. There is no right or wrong way to dress - you just have to rock it!

— Brett’s style philosphy

Get ready to sparkle!